Good fruit - at good prices - for good people!
Schultz Fruit is a fresh fruit distributor located near Benton, Kansas. Our fruit is tree-ripened, which means it is firm enough to travel but ripe enough to sweeten naturally in a day or two, creating succulent juicy produce that is sweeter and healthier than anything you've tasted before.
Know Where Your Fruit Comes From
Our orchard fruit comes from Caldwell, Idaho. We collect orders for boxes of fruits and vegetables, and have them sent straight to us from the orchard, so our customers can come pick up their freshly harvested produce.
Fruit and Veggies almost all year 'round
The season begins with Bing cherries and apricots in July. We have several varieties of peaches starting in August and continuing through September. We have many types of plums and pears that also come in September. Throughout the fall into November we get Idaho potatoes, onions and multiple varieties of apples.
Our fruits get rave reviews from our community because it is picked tree-ripened and delivered to us within a matter of days. We call it "grass fruit" because it is best eaten outside, leaning forward so the juice drips on the grass instead of on you!
The fun really begins on pick-up day, because when you come to pick up your order, you get to taste test the produce (Look out! It's addictive!) and you will probably get to visit with friends who are also coming to get their fruit. After all, friend to friend is the best way to spread the word about good fruit!
Fresh Garden Produce
Our garden produce comes from Jirak in Tampa, Kansas. He grows the best watermelon and canteloupe ever! His sweet corn is a favorite too.
Pat Randleas brings organic garden produce like tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, green beans, summer squash...We don't sell garden produce in bulk (except canning tomatoes), so first come first served and they go fast!
Fresh Frozen Berries Too
In addition to our fresh fruit, we distribute fresh-frozen fruit during the winter and early spring months.
Our frozen berries come from Bithell Farms in Boring, Oregon They grow berries and flash-freeze them—garden-to-freezer fresh!
Bithell collects orders from distributors like us around the country, plans its routes, and brings frozen fruit through our area 3 times a year: strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, loganberries, and boysenberries.
They provide another favorite, too—pie cherries: washed, pitted and ready to use! No time for visiting when the frozen fruit comes! It comes directly off the truck during the 2 hour period they are scheduled to be here.
We provide great fruit, however, we understand that life is really about people. We strive to take good care of our people — both you and our growers! We look forward to seeing you on fruit pick up day!